Tuesday, December 13, 2011

new 'term'

hai yai-yai!!.. hehe..yesterday learn new term of jawa.. kempro, to-ot, brengset,n a few more..but i no ingat sangat.. becos every time those words appear in the conversations, all of us will laugh loudly instead of giggling.. haih~~.. today learn how to do right questions..so...today just c the final questions..can say that all is wrong!!.. becos of no taksonomi bloom.. hahahaha...the presenter is my old teacher..oledi get professor madya doctor oledi.. wah~~.. so..2molo he say do questions with the right form.. so..hope can learn some, although i'm the only princess in the group full of princes.. nvrmind la..later i ronda2 lo..hik9..ok la..daaa... lazy mood..hurmph...

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

at last ...

after near a month..i no on my laptop..coz of the adaptor.. then back raya haji bought a new one..hik3.. thanks papa.. the owner of the crochet-things..she cancel her journey..so..now waiting she come n pick up her things lo.. n just now at 4.45pm..finally i get marks to key-in pmis.. last day ma..i print out lo..so 2molo find the small ketua to sign, then baru masuk in file la..he..today come work i c so sikit keleta..budak2 oso no c, just few of them come wan redo quizes n send esaimens.. but i say sorry..the counter closed.. hahahha..hurm..next week start final exam..this thursday will go help exam unit do the rest of the exam works.. ok la..sambung knit lengan lagi la..he..dono how big yet.. c how 1st la.. another tangan and badan not yet knit.. hehe.. daa...

Saturday, October 15, 2011

beg again..

fuh~~ penat do zik2.. just done for big beg..--> take time about 1 week
the 10 small begs.. 1 beg take time 2 hours to finish it.. just hope the friend whose making tempahan at me she will puas hati of my work lo.. hehe....

Friday, October 7, 2011

cute beg

hehe..just finish 1 sample.. waiting for reply from friend.. hope she like it.. so that i can proceed to do 9 more as requested 1 week ago..
to whom outside there.. if u wish to have this cute beg or other knit or crochet design .. u can drop by your order to sakurashauran@gmail.com ..

Thursday, September 29, 2011

safely til home..

hehe..1.20 jalan from pjb..at 5 til rumah sewa lo.. hehe..go with naza ria..back with waja..wah~~.. thanks to driver send me home..coz he oso wan back to his home at jalan lagi satu aja..hahhaha..ok la..daa...2molo prin senarai latihan, send skt, jaga test 1 electric from 2.30 - 4.00..rupa2nya kene fotostat soalan sendili..hiew~~.. nvrmind la..2molo baru do lo..hope itu printer ada ink lagi n fotostat mesin is ok....hu~~..wan play2 la..so malas basuh baju..2molo basuh la..hik3..

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

last day at jati inn PJB

hai yai yai..hehe..2molo will be the last day at here.. after answering the test questions.. then sayonara to all friends.. wat i've here is to know more friends.. looking around the environment at here..the person r so good.. i go library n found wat i wan..thats the knitting book..hahaha.. fotostat oledi lo..yeah~~.. but dono when i wan to do zik2.. coz i oledi buy the benang at koperasi here..so many things to buy..n the new friends she bringme ronda2..jalan2..thanks to her..the kedai2 she bringme round2..waseh~~..ikut hati mau borong suma barang aja..but when i think about nanti will so berat beg mau angkat n jalan balik rumah sewa..so i no buy lo.. murah ma..hurm..cantik oso..hahaha..oso got new business to do.. hik3.. so..hope can finish it as the due date she give me.. hope she will satisfy to my work la..hehe.. ok la..wan sambung do zik2 la..2molo wan show her is it ok?.. the mini hand beg like mine.. hik3.. the pic of the finish work will be post when i finish it all.. daa...

Sunday, September 25, 2011

1st day at jati inn PJB

hai guys..
today i wake up so early..
its raining..oh no..
so i watch 8tv from 7am lo..hurm..
eat megi on morning with egg and capsicums..
watching tv til 9.40..
then out in the rain to school..
becos driver say he wait at admin building..
10.15 start our journey..
12.20 til ayer hitam.. i though they wan go jalan2 ..so i can c wat the difference at there for this 4 years.. but..they stop for lunch break..hiew~~..
nvrmind la..hehe..so we all eat nasi ayam..but one of the staf belanja..so..thanks lo..i wan pay at him, but he refuse.. nvrmind la..
while eating, they ask so many questions to me.. who am i? y u seems not like the local people?why ur name such this n that..they dono who i am..tak pernah nampak..there r so many staff here..baru tau aja u ada at here..hahahha.. i keep laughing just inside my self..tahan aja so not terketawa keluar..hahahah..nvrmmind..so..selamat berkenalan lo..one of them is my friend sepupu..but he say he is orang kampung of my fren..nowonder i rasa macam pernahnampak aja ini muka..but where ah??.. when he say he is my fren orang kampung..so..thats it!!.. in the her wedding picture!!..hehe..so..the world is so small..then at 1.10 baru they continue the journey..at 2.00 til senai utara..2.15 til tol cahaya baru go masai punya..but the driver go to kong kong way..rupa2nya the end of the road is the sea..where i c so many fishing village and the restoran ofkos.. then he patah balik to masai..then terus c sign board of poliJB.. n after the trafic light, turn right..there u go..final destination..jati inn..oledi at 3pm..waiting people come open the door for us..i go ronda2 lo..3.20 baru masuk bilik..single bed room.. ok la..i love it becos of the color..is PINK!! hehe.. just the window curtain is yellow n the blue diamond yellow strip carpet on the floor..ok la..he..got wifi..but i don have the paswed..then aafter i iron all my cloths..at 4 i go ronda2..at 5 back to room..then at 6.40 i c tv at outside..i though oledi serve dinner.. but then wait til 7.15 oso don have.. merajuk la ni..i masuk bilik liao lo..then at 8 my perut oledi sing song..so then i out again to c if have food on the round table..yes!!.. at last.. allah give food via the person who serve..tapau pun tapau la..nasi jagung n paprik n air teh ais.. i though pedas itu paprik..but it is so sweet.. love it so much..so i come back to my room i yell at the 2 men staff..i say the dinner is served..let eat!!.. then i go wash my hand..n start eating..the mens out 1by1 from their room..just opposite my room door.. then one of them say oledi full cause tadi petang they out makan liao..nvrmind lo..i no say wan they eat with me ma..so i say u keep for supper time eat la..then another men he sit n eat quietly..after i done eating..i say bye2 at them..hahaha..biar they off kipas n tv..hehe..tv channel get indonesian n sungapore n tv2 nn tv3 aja..i love the cartoon channel..maybe singapore channel gua..hehe..tadi showing pokemon..hurm..ok la..wan have some rest for today..i snap so many picture today..but not yet transfer here..so..someday i will upload the pic here la..he..wish 2molo the course is interesting about data management..i oledi google wat is SQL..so..its a Structured Query Language..use for develop database .. so..happy learning for me..

Thursday, September 22, 2011

jamuan perdana?

hai guys.. today is thursday.. yeah..ada jamuan raya... aku g tapak jamuan dengan ina dlm kul 2.10 gitu.. jalan punya jalan..akhirnya sampai jugak..uiks..ramai nyer org..xkenal sume tu..ntah sapa2 tah..tp yg pastinye..staf je la kt tmpt tu.. ngeh5678..jenguk2 mknn jap..mcm2 ada..yola..bajet punya besar..tiba2 ternampak kengkawan dulu..say hai2 n borak2 jap..pastu rupanya diaorg dh cop tmpt..seb baik..dekat tangga+depan tv+dekat dgn mknn.. tu dia..strategik kan?.. hehe..pastu snap sini sana jap..tp yg ditepek kat sini masa sblm + slps a.. tepat kul 3ptg..aku tgk, sume org dh tgk2 jam.. yela..kertas yg tmpl kt palang tu kata mula jamuan kul 3.. so..toleh kiri kanan..apa yg dr tv dh xtgk dh..duli a YB dlm dewan berucap lg..toleh2 lg..tgk2..skali..a~~..dh ade org bgn amik mknn..apa lg..tiba2 keadaan bertukar dlm sekelip mata..hahhaha..ye la..sume dh serbu kt mknn, amik apa yg suka..xterkecuali aku gak..hahhaha..jalan2 cari makan..mata rasa dh xtgk org dh..nmpk mknn je yg tersusun sepanjang lorong pejalan kaki tu.. tiba2 ada org panggil aku..aik??.. sapa plak ni..adeh..maniskan muka toleh belakang..perhati lama skit sapa yg panggil..mesti diaorg dh nk gelak..sbb aku xjumpa sapa yg panggil..sib baik ko lambai..haish..ingatkan sapa..hahhaa..kawan lama rupanya.. dia pn dtg dr jauh gak..selamat berjumpa kembali..then sambil2 tu ade gak la angguk2 kt org yg aku cam muka diaorg..sambil2 tu ade gak yg tanya...kita mcm kenal kan?..tp di mana ya?.. hehe..mmg aku pernah jumpa pun..cam muka je..klu suh sebut apa nama..maaf la yer..hehe..mmg aku seorang pelajar..tapi itu hal 4 tahun dulu..tapi yg lawaknyer..ade gk org kata..eh..student xleh dtg sini..sini utk staf je.. aku wat tatau je..haahhaha...kul 4 ramai kawan2 dr poli lain dh beransur pulang.. dan kami2 pun beransur balik sarang gak..so..proses menapau bermula..apa yang teringin makan tapi xkesampaian, dengan cepatnyer masukkan dalam pinggan..hik4..mcm la xpernah mkn .. ala..mcm xbiasa plak..hahhaha..so..just the story of the day..

Tuesday, September 20, 2011

jamuan raya..

datang la beramai2..jumpa di sana...

Sunday, September 18, 2011

mini lempeng?

hik3..just after cook.. for 2molo breakfast..hurm..nyummy5687989...

Saturday, September 10, 2011


he..today so lazy..raining from sahur time til 11 am.. so be a sleeping princess.. hik3.. then wake up at noon..dono wat to do.. although there r notes n questions to be done for next week classes.. then a 'light bulb on + 'ting' sound' on my head.. hahaha.. cake time!!.. yeah..at last.. finish baking cake lo.. put all left 16 biji kurma from ramadhan.. kacau2 all the ingredient.. n put inside periuk aja..n on oven.. just dono wat the taste yet.. cant wait maghrib time for testing..hik3.. daa...

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

ramadhan 2011

salam ramadhan to all muslims..
a lil bit late to wish..
but nevermind..
this year ramadhan im at PD..
changing working environment..
so far so good..
nothing change routine..
old days just walking go work..
now days just bicycling go work..
around 10 minutes exercise will til opis o rent house.. hehe..
i c bazar on the main road into taman politeknik..
til now i not yet go c wat they sell at there..
maybe some time wil go..
but c how la..dono wat to buy..
food stock still full in fridge.. he..
finish up my food stock first la.. he..
creating questions for industrial automation and robotic subject..
this 17th have to submit to exam unit..
3 more questions dono wat to ask wat..coz i not yet find the notes..
another 1 week left.. trying my best to finish up la..he..gambate my lil princess!!
til here for this moment..

Tuesday, May 24, 2011

konvo-10 PMK

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

menara taming sari

an yeong ha se yo... hehe.. hari ni cuti wesak.. ikut kawan g pertandingan inovasi wat model menara taming sari~~.. itu lah hasil kami bertiga.. aku+nurin+ayu..tenkiu kengkawan.. hehe.. walaupun xmenang, tp sronok apa.. mereka bawa aku jenjalan.. he..

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

not expiredable food

haaaa.... apa yang korang perhatikan daripada gambar ini??.. hehehe..
jangan pening2 untuk berfikir k..hik3..
secara kebetulan tengah pilih nak beli telor..tiba2 aik..apsal tarikh luput nyer cam lain macam jer...hehehehe... apa lagi..snap terus.. susah nak jumpa camni...kan?kan?.. tarikh keramat betul.. so..nasihat kepada pengeluar barangan makanan.. kot iye pun nak cepatkan proses pengeluaran dan penghantaran, tapi tolonglah perhatikan betul2.. ini mesti kes nak cepat, pastu ketua nyer tu sain je tanpa semak betul2...bahaya dowh!!.. khasnyer kepada pengguna2 yang kes nak cepat n pakai amik jer asal nampak ok.. haaa...

Monday, April 18, 2011

lotus - nak beli??

salam sume..pekabo?sihat?.. moga anda sume ceria2 selalu.. ni dia origami bunga teratai.. so..sapa2 yang berminat boleh tempah.. 1 kuntum RM2.. klu beli 10 beserta kotak dan ucapan dan bayaran pos = RM25.. sertakan alamat lengkap dan juga pilihan warna anda k.. untuk makluman lanjut, sila drop by mesej dalam chat box disebelah ini @ emel ke sakurashauran@gmail.com .. terima kasih.. he...

yuran pos = rm6 (tetap)
kad ucapan+kotak = percuma

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

origami bunga...

hari ini aku melipat2 guna recycled paper kat opis..
audit 5S la katakan..kemas punya kemas..tp xterkemas pun..
bila jumpa kertas warna recycled..haaa...penyakit melipat2 kertas pun terus datang..hahahhaha...mintak2 sok xde org dtg audit lah~~..haih~~..
demikian saja hasil tangan utk kali ini..
teka yg mana satu dlm bilik KJ n mana satu atas meja azhanie..hik3..tu pun klu ada org perasan n baca blog ni ler..he...

cover MQA..ok x??..hik3..

Thursday, March 24, 2011


hehe.. trying to linking a file..
have fun~~
u can save it from this link:

or u can view just from here:


happy cny 2011...


how to do this?wire